Bike Shed – Green roof of the day
Most bike sheds are pretty boring to be honest. In fact they are architectural eyesores in many cases. Why not combine sustainable transport (bicycles) with biodiversity?

Biodiversity and sustainable transport under and on one roof.
Why limit your bike shed to cycles? Why not add bees and other pollinators?
This bike shed in London follows the principles outlined in the Guide. These modular designs made by GreenRoofShelters help cycle nuts go really green. With a biodiverse green roof and habitat wall for pollinators, this green roof is truly sustainable. A green infrastructure building that is not just a shell for a bunch of bikes.
Delivering biodiversity on even the smallest structure is possible – so do it.
Back in 2008 just before the crash, we had been approach by a number of London Boroughs about providing small buildings that helped cycle and biodiversity officers in London Boroughs deliver targets for both. We even managed to get in the national press. We were also in discussion about types of small buildings in the public realm.
We think the London Cycle Network should embrace this idea.
Over the last few years things have brightened (slightly) and there are now quite a few of these popping up across the country. One of the things that frustrates us as concerned citizens is how sustainability can get blinkered. All to often there is too much of a focus on delivering single benefits. A bike shed is just for bikes in the eyes of many cyclists and sustainability officers. How many sad bike sheds have you seen at shopping centres, libraries etc? Why not deliver real sustainability and ecosystem services by making the bike shed:
- host a green roof to deliver biodiversity
- A bee hotel or habitat wall for nesting pollinators
- store rainwater
- educate through signage
Now that is real sustainability in action. Not just a piece of perspex to keep the bicycles dry!
Delivering biodiversity on even the smallest building is possible – so do it.
Become a online member and make a green roof yourself.