luscious green roof on a garden shed

DIY Green Roof Guide

The online resource for building small scale green roofs on garden sheds, garages, house extensions and other small construction or retrofitting projects

a green roof on a new house extension

New Builds

A step by step guide to creating a SAFE and LEAK FREE green roof on a new small scale construction project. Learn from the vastly experienced authors how to accomplish it yourself or provide guidance to your contractors

a small green roof on an electrical substation


Even the smallest of roof spaces can provide a small haven of beauty and a wildlife oasis. The retrofitting section advice can be used on garden sheds, cycle & bin shelters, the fundamentals remain the same!

edge details of a garden shed green roof


From suggested screw sizes through edge details to drainage suggestions, John & Dusty take you through the process using text, photos, illustrations and videos

edge details of a garden shed green roof

Planting Ideas

Plant suggestions focussed on native species that can provide the maximum biodiversity. Separate lists for the UK, Eastern USA & Canada, Mid-West USA


The Small Scale Green Roof Guide wouldn’t exist without;

Walter Segal & Jon Broome for providing the initial inspiration to put green roofs up in the first place

Dave and Francis Shaddock, Peter Crummay and Bid and Skill for help and encouragement

John’s wife Fiona for living with a green roof bore

Dr. Gyongyver Kadas for her support and enthusiasm for studying bugs at roof level

Gary Grant for his humour, reviewing skills and inspiration/passion and knowledge of plants

David Harper for his inifinite skill and perfection!

Blanche Cameron for her never ending support and getting our training work of the ground

Kevin Songer in Florida for being a trans-atlantic inspiration, likewise Kerry Ross up in Canada.

Derek Brown, our patient webmaster extra-ordinaire and designer of the second edition

Pascale, who has not only built a small green roof using our guide down in the South of France, but who has taken the trouble to translate the guide into German and French. She will also be managing enquiries etc in those languages

Nathalie Baumann, our French/Swiss Colleague who has been really pushing us to get the guide translated into French and German.

John would like to thank Dusty for joining him as a green bore and Dusty would like to thank John for the same

All Contents © 2008 & 2014 Dusty Gedge and John Little

John Little and Dusty Gedge

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Gain immediate lifetime access for only £11.50 or an annual subscription of £5.50 per year. Or merely browse the public areas of the website and find out more about the whys and hows of designing and building small green roofs before you join.