Begin to Create your own Green Roof…
Understanding the Basics of Small Scale Green Roof Building
It sounds obvious but a green roof:
This Small Scale Green Roof Installation and Construction Guide provides details on what loadings are possible on what size joists and spans.
The guide goes it detail about what waterproofing can be used and how you can install this safely to ensure that your roof doesn’t leak.
The step-by-step guide to create your own green roof on NEW builds covers:
The Roof Deck
The structural and construction basics for both flat and pitched green roofs
Waterproofing and Edge Detail
Recommended waterproofing materials and how to fit them, especially how to correctly fit at the edges of the roof as well as integrating down pipes if required.
A range of solutions covered, the optimum choice dependent on type and size of the green roof.
The Layers
Whether commercial drainage layers are necessary and alternative approaches to green roof drainage that do not require purchasing commercial products.
An overview of the different substrate types that can be used along with the ideal depths required for the various types of green roofs.
Planting suggestions and suitable native plant lists for various countries and climates. Mostly aimed at those people looking to create an extensive, biodiverse green roof.
Irrigation or not Irrigation
Whether an irrigation system will be needed for your green roof and instructions on making and fitting a cheap, DIY pipe fed system.
Overviews on general maintenance of small green roofs, tied to what type of roof you intend.
And remember this is a detailed construction guide not an overview. If you want to know which screw to use, the guide tells you (metric/imperial conversion may need to be undertaken to meet your situation!).
If you have an existing garden shed, garage, extension etc.
The guide provides details of how you can use the above steps and where necessary adjust for a specific retrofit situation.