Green roof Workshop - All You Need to Know – How to Build a Green Roof for Biodiversity All You Need to Know – How to Build a Green Roof for Biodiversity Date: Saturday 12th August 2017 from 10.00am – 5.00pm Location: Hilldrop, Laindon Road, Horndon on the...
Previous Articles
A small green roof in Ridgefield WA
A few weeks ago, I just happened to be in Ridgefield WA. I was speaking at the ecoroof summit in Portland. So I took the opportunity to nip over to see a green roof shed in the making. Many of you reading this may not be aware that once a member we provide email...
A double roofed green roofed barn
A double roofed green roofed barn is now gracing a woodland in Essex. Sitting in Norsey Woods near Billericay, the barn is an example of how a small building can be both sustainable and deliver for biodiversity The two roofs have provided two different habitats. In...
Native alliums – green roof plants US to UK
Alliums are always a great choice for green roofs. Furthermore there are native allium species across North America and Europe (including the UK and France. In fact Allium schoenoprasum, one of the most commonly used has a circumpolar distribution. Called chives in...
Green roof plants – Quebec Canada
Using plant hardiness zones, we have added a green roof planting guide for Quebec and Eastern Canada. It is not a definitive list but gives members an overview of what plants are potentially useable in these areas. The authors are not from Canada, We have have visited...
Scottish green roof training event
Scottish and want to learn about green roofs? Well GRT in partnership with SEDA are heading to Edinburgh in September to run an event. Scottish Biosolar Roof SEDA is currently working with BIG. No not the Danish Architects but the Bridgend Inspiring Growth project....
Dungeness – place for tough plants
Tough plants are needed for green roofs, as a cool post by Kelly Ksiazek in Chicago at the same time as we were visiting Dungeness. And you can’t get any tougher than here. Dungeness is the largest shingle bank in Europe. Here desiccation is the order of the day....
Seeds – Spreading wildflower love
Collecting seeds for a small green roof at this time of year (July) is a good idea. The early flowers are turning and their seed pods are ripe for collecting. Further collections can be undertaken for late flowering plants in August and late September. This...
Orchids on a Carport green roof
Orchids on green roofs are not as rare as you might think. This green roof Carport in Herefordshire is a case in point. Spotted Orchids have appeared on the roof. It has also been a hit with the local invertebrates. Just proves that with a little thought a small...
Green Roofs in Normandy
Normandy has a few small green roofs that have been built along the principles of our small green roof guide. We are now taking blogs from our new French site to engage English readers and visa a versa. Notice the tulips in flower and the leaves of Iris. Iris was...
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